When brainstorming a theme for my zine I wasn’t entirely sure which direction I wanted to head in. I thought about making a personal zine, whether it was my favorite place I traveled to or what I have been through. Thinking about zines and how exciting and funny it was to make the first one in class, seeing how all the characters and situations played out it got me to think. I want to create a funny nostalgic zine. Taking an old popular children’s book and transforming it into an inappropriate children’s book for adults. I often find myself thinking back to the good old days when I'd get home from elementary school to read bedtime books with my mom. Some of my favorites being “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” “The Rainbow Fish,” “Goodnight Moon,” “The Berenstain Bears,” and so on. Doesn’t everyone always say you can’t relive the past? However, in this first project of mine I want to create a satirical comedy zine based on a children's book. If you’ve ever seen “MAD TV” it’s a sketch comedy series from the mid 90’s to early 2000s that spoofs TV shows, movies, music videos and other pop-culture staples. I want to integrate that idea, but with a childhood book that I can poke fun of/recreate. I really like this idea as kids books often have very few words, it’s easy to follow, and the illustrations are simple and full of color. So either making a parody of a classic picture book or creating my own will be fun to make and share.
